Much of my deep imagination lies under the sea. I like the way that barnacles encrust the surface of things. It's a long process of buildup, a random design that looks completely meant. The making of a piece of jewellery takes time, the placement of small elements doesn't need to be planned too much but builds slowly to a whole.
Patina is very important as well and not something you can plan too carefully for, but there is great satisfaction when something brilliant and untoward happens. I am always aware of the organic nature of what we do, applauding the natural world that constantly does it better.
Sometimes a piece will come fully formed into my head, I see it in the space at the front of my brain above the eyes. Then it can be deconstructed into its component parts to see whether it is possible for it to work. It can take a long or short time and I can add to it, take away from it, see it from different angles. The picture is very clear and if I can't get it to settle as a workable piece, I know that it isn't right. This process is pleasurable but it needs a space of quiet around it to make it happen.